What Happened?
What Did the Rebbe say about it?
What did Chassidim say?
What did Temimim say?
What does it mean for us?
Veabito Niflaos under ATO International - English Division is proud to announce a two-part powerful film showing the Global Moshiach Satellite Hookup of the Declaration of Yechi with the Consent and Bracha of the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Shlita. Did you ever hear of it? Why was there so much pressure against it? Why was there tens of news reporters in 770 on the special day of Yud Shevat? Watch these videos and find out how only through the Rebbe's Bracha and consent this global satellite hookup happened.
The first part, THE SATELLITE, is about an hour film full of the actual live satellite hookup with a little background explaining what happened, and how it happened. The satellite was organized with the consent and Bracha of the Rebbe and was with the focus to declare and announce in front of the Rebbe, the entire world - at the very same moment - the declaration of Yechi.
The second part, BEYOND THE SATELLITE, is an hour and a half video showing what the Chassidim spoke about around that time, what the news said, and meetings made during that period, how they stregthened each other in the Emunah in the Rebbe being Moshiach, and that only because of the Rebbe's consent and Bracha did the satellite happen.
May we have the Hisgalus of the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Shlita right now!!!
Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu V'Rabbeinu Melech HaMoshiach Leolam Voed!